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What we've been up to...
Bargaining Update 9/5/2024
Dear Local 88 members, Every 3 years, we bargain our main bargaining unit contract for AFSCME Local 88. Please fill out the bargaining survey. We will use this information to help us decide on our bargaining priorities. The deadline for submission has been extended to Sunday, September 15th. If you have any questions, please reach
A message about bargaining from President Tate
Bargaining the main unit contract plans and timeline: **Excerpt from AFSCME Local 88 Update- 8/22/2024, originally sent by email to AFSCME Local 88 members August 22, 2024: Your elected cabinet met with Chris Johnson, our program manager working with Local 88 on our bargaining, and started our timeline and working on bargaining preparation and tasks.
Let’s celebrate! Come to the Labor Day Picnic
The Local 88 Labor Day Picnic is coming soon! When: Monday, September 2nd, 11:00 am -3:00 pmWhere: Luuwit View Park NE 127th Avenue and NE Fremont StreetPortland, OR 97230 The picnic is FREE to members and their family/guests. Not a member yet? You can join online now or sign up for Local 88 membership at the picnic
In Support of Palestine
Statement from AFSCME Local 88 to Oregon State Treasurer, cc Oregon Investment Council to Divest Public Employee Retirement Funds from Elbit Systems, Ltd. (January 2024) Statement from AFSCME Local 88 to Multnomah County Leadership (November 2023) AFSCME members and staff demand leadership call for an end to genocide and occupation in Palestine Add your name