In Solidarity – Events


Fill the Capitol with AFSCME green for Lobby Day February 17th!

Mark your calendar! Monday, February 17th, join Oregon AFSCME at the State Capitol in Salem.

As the 2025 Legislative Session ramps up, this is your chance to speak directly to Oregon lawmakers and make your voice heard on critical issues like worker safety, fair wages, and more.

Get more info and sign up now–carpool options available!

SAVE THE DATE: Black History Month Event with Kent Ford!

On February 27th, JWJ’s Portland Rising Committee is co-hosting a Black History Month Event with Coalition of Black Trade Unions with Special Guest Mr. Kent Ford, co-founder of Portland’s chapter of the Black Panther Party.
“Walking Through Portland with a Panther: The Life of Mr. Kent Ford. All Power!”

A screening and panel discussion with Mr. Kent Ford, Damaris Webb, LaTevin Alexander, and Don Wilson Glenn.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025
6:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Oregon Historical Society
1200 SW Park Ave, Portland OR

**From Jobs with Justice


File Your Taxes Free with Direct File!

The IRS and Oregon Department of Revenue have integrated their Direct File platforms to help Oregonians file their federal and state taxes for free beginning this tax season!
Private companies like Turbotax have been ripping taxpayers off for years. This year, you can stop the greed by filing with IRS Direct File.
Direct File goes live Monday, Jan. 27th!
**From Jobs with Justice

Oregon AFL-CIO Strike Map

Check out the Oregon AFL-CIO Strike Map for the latest updated strike information

Coffee spilling from paper cup with lid that has come off

Support Starbucks Baristas! No Contract? No coffee.

Fresh off the largest-ever strike in Starbucks’ history, SBWU baristas are united. We’re calling Starbucks out for failing to support the baristas who are central to the company’s turnaround. Starbucks backtracked on the path forward, and offered no raises or benefits increases specifically for union baristas in the first year of the contract. They knew that an offer that low wouldn’t lead to ratified contracts. They failed to meet their own deadline for a foundational framework by the end of 2024.
Tell the company that not presenting a viable economic offer is bad for business – sign and publicly share SBWU’s No Contract, No Coffee pledge!
**From Jobs With Justice
No Contract! No Customers! NSLU is calling for a boycott of New Seasons Market, until we have the contract we deserve!

New Seasons Labor Union Boycott Called

BOYCOTT called at New Seasons Markets (NSLU)
Unfair Labor Practices, Failure to Bargain in Good Faith

No Contract? No Customers!

BIGFOOT BEVERAGES Workers on Strike!

Do Not Buy Struck Goods List…

  • Pepsi
  • Ninkasi Brewing Eugene, Oregon
  • Mountain Dew
  • Pelican Brewing Company
  • Aquafina
  • King Estate Oregon Wines
  • Buoy Beer Co.
  • Willamette Valley Vineyards
  • Rockstar

Thank you for supporting these workers by not buying struck goods in the Eugene, Bend, Springfield, Newport, Roseburg and Coos Bay, Oregon areas distributed by Bigfoot Beverages. Scan the QR Code to join the boycott of Bigfoot Beverages

Flyer with text: Sign the Petition to Demand Justice for AJ. Defend workers rights. Call on the Philippine Government to ensure accountability for AJ's death!

Demand Justice for AJ Kent Meraña

Sign the Petition to Demand Justice for AJ

Defend workers’ rights

Call on the Philippine Government to ensure accountability for AJ’s death!

BAYAN Oregon, Pacific Coast Coalition for Seafarers, International Migrants Alliance and the undersigned community members urge you to take action and ensure accountability and justice for the wrongful death of AJ Kent Meraña.”

Learn more and demand justice for AJ Kent Meraña

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