We’re gearing up for General Unit contract bargaining! Check back here for bargaining updates and to find opportunities to support bargaining for our next contract.
Bargaining 101
Do you want more pay? Better working conditions? Learn about BARGAINING!
Contact 88cabinet@afscmelocal88.org
Everyone in the Local 88 general bargaining unit! We all benefit when we organize for a fair and equitable contract.
The benefits we enjoy are a direct resut of bargaining a strong contract with Multnomah County previously. Let’s continue to make our voices heard through getting involved in our campaign for a fair contract and by filling out the Bargaining Survey.
To improve our working conditions, fair and equitable pay, better benefits, AND MORE! Fill out the Bargaining Survey to tell us your bargaining priorities.
- Plans the overall strategy, tactics, and timing
- Coordinates the bargaining delegation and the contract action team(s)
- Handles the administrative, financial, legal, and logistical matters
- Liaison to other organizational levels of the union, to allies, and to the community
- Meets regularly throughout bargaining to research and prepare proposals/justifications
- Bargain across-the-table/in caucus
- Develop messages for members distributed via Member Action Team(s)
- Listens and responds to feedback from members
- Makes “Tentative Agreements” and makes recommendations on ratification
- Ad hoc committee to prepare for bargaining and elect the Bargaining Team
- Review Bargaining Survey results to help determine bargaining priorities
- Offers subject matter support to the team
- Helps set goals and confers with bargaining team on progress of negotiations
- Following Bargaining Team election, transition to increase the capacity of the Member Action Team (MAT) by talking with members
- Plans and executes bargaining actions and builds membership power
- Educates and generates support for goals and proposals among members
- Responds to rumors, misinformation, and membership fears and concerns
- Understands their role and responsibility in helping to negotiate a good agreement
- Provides honest information to their leaders about their needs and priorities
- Understands that no union committee gets everything it wants at the bargaining table
- Seeks accurate information during negotiations, asks questions, and shows support
- Participate in actions big and small to show your union support and support for a fair and fantastic contract!
**The Bargaining Survey was sent out by email on August 26, 2024. Didn’t get it? Check your spam folder. Not there? Email 88cabinet@afscmelocal88.org to get the survey and contact the Member Services Center to update your contact info. Not a member yet? Join now!
Identify bargaining needs: Fill out the bargaining survey!
Recruit bargaining delegates, elect bargaining team, and recruit new MAT members
Bargaining with the County begins
Bargaining continues. Member engagement and action will help encourage management to negotiate a fair contract.
Current contract expires. New contract takes effect when negotiations result in a tentative agreement (TA) and members ratify the new contract.
Read the Latest Updates
Bargaining Update 9/5/2024
Dear Local 88 members, Every 3 years, we bargain our main bargaining unit contract for AFSCME Local 88. Please fill out the bargaining survey. We will use this information to help us decide on our bargaining priorities. The deadline for submission has been extended to Sunday, September 15th. If you have any questions, please reach
A message about bargaining from President Tate
Bargaining the main unit contract plans and timeline: **Excerpt from AFSCME Local 88 Update- 8/22/2024, originally sent by email to AFSCME Local 88 members August 22, 2024: Your elected cabinet met with Chris Johnson, our program manager working with Local 88 on our bargaining, and started our timeline and working on bargaining preparation and tasks.