


Agenda Form (webform)

Use this form to add agenda items for Executive Board and General Membership meetings that do not require a motion. Please submit your agenda items by 8am the Friday preceding the relevant meeting (E-board or General membership meeting). Please also review the motion form to ensure that your agenda item does not require you to make a motion.

Complaint Form (webform)

Form used to file a formal complaint with our Union.

Form used to apply for the Emergency Fund. The Emergency Fund was established by members to assist fellow members going through hardship due to being laid off. More information about the Fund can be found on the form.

Form used to request reimbursement by the Union for expenses incurred due to Union business/activities.

 Grievance Form (PDF) (Word)

Form utilized to file a contract or personnel rule violation against Multnomah County.

Form used to request employer reimbursement for attending a union sponsored function during work hours. Steward Training I & II are usually compensated if you go during regularly scheduled working hours. You will be paid and accrue all benefits by the County just as if you are at work but will see the time code on your pay stub as UR01. Lost Time UR01 payment must be approved by the membership at a regular membership meeting via a motion and vote. If included in the annual budget, Steward training may be considered automatic UR01. The Lost Time Request process must be followed.

The process
(For CCC and TPI members, please consult with your Council Union Representative)

  1. Request the time off from your supervisor/manager at least two weeks before the event.
  2. Once approved, send your “lost time” request to the local treasurer email.
  3. Include in your email confirmation your supervisor/manager has approved the time. It is best if you can include or attach the approval email if possible.
  4. The treasurer will submit your lost time request to Labor Relations at least one week before the event.
  5. After attending the event you will code your time sheet with the code UR01. This code means Union Reimbursement to the County for your wages and benefits.

Note: Time spent at union events is not reimbursable if it does not occur during your regularly scheduled hours. If you work a swing shift or graveyard shift and cannot report to work as it would be too many hours in a 24 hr period, please notify the Treasurer and President for special consideration. If you work on-call hours we request you try to arrange your schedule to avoid the union liability for your pay.

Motion Form (webform)

This form is used to submit motions at the general membership meeting and the executive board meeting. Motions are a request brought forward by members in good standing that they would like for the local union to consider, adopt, or implement. Please submit your motion items by 8am the Friday preceding the relevant meeting (E-board or General membership meeting).

Form used to apply to become a steward after completing the Steward Training (I & II).

W4 Form used for tax purposes for Officers, Staff, and Stewards.

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