Microagressions Response Team



Local 88 has a newly inaugurated Microaggressions Response Team. Our aim is to improve the response time, data collection, resource development, and enforcement of Article 24 of our Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). 

Have you been a witness to a workplace microaggression and wondered what you could do to help? 

Have you been on the receiving end of a workplace microaggression and wanted to do something about it? 

Time commitment will be 3-5 hours a month. 

We’re looking for the following: 

  • Data Analysts
  • Meeting Facilitators 
  • Note Takers
  • Experienced Trainers 

To be a member of the Microaggressions Response Team, all you need to be is a dues paying Local 88 member. This is an opportunity for professional growth and to develop closeness with Local 88 and other represented workers across departments. 

Visit this link to fill out our Google Form. 

Questions? Contact MRT@afscmelocal88.org

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