With regards to job classifications that were impacted by our recent market adjustment bargaining with Multnomah County:
Below is the final list and range adjustments that will be made if members vote to ratify this Tentative Agreement. Since these are range adjustments, we want to remind folks that your resulting wage rate is dependent upon where you are at in your current salary range as well as your anniversary date. To help provide a guide we’ve created this document to a deeper explanation by way of example: Local 88 Market Adjustment Implementation Examples. Additionally for a link to the current salary table, click here.
We will be sending out electronic ballots for ratification next week – Monday, September 20 through Friday, September 24, 2021.
Additionally we will have a session for questions if you have any about this vote and the impact of this tentative agreement on Tuesday, September 21 @ Noon. Please register in advance for this meeting.