Leave of Absence for COVID Situations Extended thru June 30, 2022

Last year based on the hard work of our union, Expanded Family Medical Leave (EFML) and Emergency Protected Sick Leave (EPSL) were extended to June 30, 2022.  These leaves cover a number of COVID related situations including quarantines because of COVID, isolation and recovery if you are COVID positive, caring for a family member who is sick or recovering from COVID, or is caring for their child if the child’s school or place of care has been closed or is unavailable due to COVID-19.  For more information please go to our Local 88 website on EFMLA or our updated EFMLA & EPSL slide deck.

For more questions please contact your steward.  Steward contact information is available at www.afscmelocal88.org or contact the AFSCME SMART Center

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