On the list of things that have been negatively impacted during the pandemic, top among them is the issue of worker safety. This is an issue that our union takes very seriously. At all points during the work day, we should all feel a sense of physical and emotional safety.
Myself and Local 88 leader Percy Winters, Jr. have applied persistent and forceful efforts to ensure county leaders understand the impact of the real and daily threat to worker safety. In our monthly meetings with elected officials, we have shared your experiences of fear, harassment, and injury while coming and going to and from your workplace and while on the job.
Of course we, better than some others, understand the real challenges for people forced to live on the streets. We balance that reality with a demand that we are safe at work. While we are appreciative of the small concessions the County has made with regard to parking at the McCoy and Billi Odegaard Clinic, the County must continue to address this issue or worker safety until it is fully abated.
If you have experienced a workplace safety issue, please report it to your department lead union steward. Your lead steward will work with you and department managers to address your concerns. As your union president, I will track these instances and share them with the people at the county charged with keeping us all safe and demand systemic changes.
–Joslyn Baker, President’s Message 2/18/22