Bilingual Pay Focus Group and Survey

Our union contract contains language (Article 14, section XI found on page 81) that set expectations related to compensation for union members who use their language skills and cultural knowledge while doing their county job. We have long been aware that employees are not being fully  compensated. The ad hoc rule is cumbersome and impractical and employees often lack the time or support to track and report their ad hoc hours.  While the county could do more by using KSA’s to ensure that these employees are fairly compensated they have failed to do so.  Thank goodness we have our union to fight for us. 

Recently a small group of employees met to participate in a one hour focus group and tell our union more about their experiences. The focus group stories affirmed our belief that employees are not being consistently compensated for using their language skills and cultural knowledge while doing their county job. Further, we learned that this experience is more widespread than we knew. 

We will continue to work with union members to ensure that this issue is thoroughly  addressed. If you are interested in sharing your experience, please complete this form. Any identifying information you provide on the survey will be held as confidential within  our union.

Special thanks to Maya Noble for helping with the planning and facilitation of the focus group and to Eben Pullman, AFSCME Council 75 Representative, for his support. Please send any questions or comments to

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