Watch or Listen: May 19th the Multnomah County Commissioners will hear a resolution in support of Universal Healthcare

On Thursday, May 19th, the Multnomah County Commissioners will be hearing a resolution in support of Universal Healthcare. The resolution will be introduced by Sharon Meieran and co sponsored by Susheela Jayapal. Chief of staff for Jayapal, Sarah Ryan called this a “big deal” because typically the commissioners do not consider resolutions. The commissioners are urging Congress to pass, and the president to sign a bill that would create a publicly funded Universal Healthcare system that is comprehensive, equitable, affordable, accessible and of high-quality. Please watch or listen. The hearing will begin at 9:30 am.

In Person Arrive at the Multnomah Board room at 9:15. Please wear red (preferably your Health care for All Oregon shirt) to show solidarity. Masks are optional.

Watch the Livestream on the Multnomah County Board YouTube channel

Listen on your phone Dial: +1-415-655-0001 and enter access code 2591 088 6419.

More info about the Board and Board Meetings at

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