CCC Continues to offer low wages and bad behavior, but we are sticking with the union!
More than 70% of us have signed pledges that we will stride to stop CCC’s unfair behavior and settle for a fair contract!
CCC continued with their insulting low-wage proposals with a 6/5% wage offer for most AFSCME members during mediation recently! No way!
Now it’s up to you! Our elected bargaining team has called for a ULP strike vote to show CCC we will strike if we have to.
Vote Here:
- Tue. 8/23, 2 pm – 4 pm, Letty Owings
- Wed. 8/24, 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm, Hooper
- Wed. 8/24, 9 am – 11 am, OTC/OTRC 1st floor conference room
- Thu. 8/25, 11 am – 12:30 pm STP/Medford
- Fri. 8/26, 9 am – 11 am, CCCRC
- Mon. 8/29, 6 pm – 7 pm, Virtual via Zoom and in person at AFSCME Hall (6025 E Burnside)