We will be taking nominations at the 9/21/22 General Membership Meeting for Vice President and 1 Trustee position. You can self nominate, nominate someone present who can accept or decline in person, or nominate someone not present that has agreed to be nominated but could not attend (no surprise nominations of people not present). Any member in good standing (at least 1 year as a dues paying member) can be nominated.
Candidate Statements
At the 9/21/22 Membership meeting candidates can make a 1-3 minute statement on who they are, where they work and why they want to be our Local 88 Vice President. A written candidate statement up to 500 words can be submitted by 9/21/22 to be posted on the local 88 website after the 9/21 meeting to inform local 88 union members for voting purposes. Please submit written candidate statements to our local 88 President, Joslyn Baker at:
Election and Election by Acclamation
However, if there is only one nominee for the position at the meeting, that person (if present) will be elected by acclamation and there will not be a virtual election for that position in October. If either position is a contested race, an election will be sent out to all members to your personal email 10/1/22. The voting period will take place Saturday, October 1 through Friday, October 7.
Vice President
The Vice President position is normally 2 years but we will be filling a vacancy for the rest of the term ending in November 2023. The Trustee position is for 3 years and starts November 2022 and ends November 2025. The elected Vice President will receive a $400 monthly stipend and is eligible for up to 10 hours of lost time per week. The terms for lost time are negotiated on an individual basis.
The Trustee is eligible for a $75 monthly stipend and is expected to attend both executive board and general membership meetings unless unable due to work schedule and alternate arrangements are made with the union President.