An AFSCME endorsement is a powerful asset to political candidates and campaigns. The funds we donate are but a small part of this power. When we endorse a candidate we follow up with people power; canvassing, door knocking and talking to people help spread the message of why we endorsed a candidate. When people are running for county office, our power is at its height. As the people who do the work of the county, our message about a candidate means a lot to voters.
After interviewing the candidates Local 88 voted to endorse Jessica Vega Pederson for Multnomah County Chair. This is an incredibly important election for our members. In order to support our endorsed candidate, we have planned a day of action to turn out voters for JVP!
Join us at 10am on October 1st for a canvass at the Oregon AFSCME office – 6025 E Burnside St, Portland OR. We will hear from elected and local leaders before taking some campaign literature and knocking doors to let voters know why we support JVP.
We’ve invited volunteers from all of the Council 75 locals and will be participating in a statewide day of action so let’s turnout for JVP and show Council 75 just how strong our local is!
Sign-up online and share with your fellow union members.