Pledge Solidarity with Strike-ready UPS Teamsters

Pledge solidarity with strike-ready UPS teamsters

Join the Oregon Strike-Ready Coalition

Over 340,000 teamsters at UPS are gearing up to fight for better pay and treatment on the job when their contract expires on July 31, 2023.

If the company doesn’t respond to their demands, they are preparing to take part in the largest strike in US history.

Pledge to support their fight, on the picketline and in the community, with family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors.

UPS Teamsters Strike-Ready Rally & BBQ

Join the Oregon Strike-Ready Coalition

June 25, 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Columbia Park, Picnic Site A
4503 N Lombard

  • Speeches and stories from the picket line
  • BBQ
  • Music
  • Pinata
  • Kids games
  • Bring a t-shirt to silk screen!

Organized by Portland Democratic Socialists of America, Portland Jobs With Justice, and Oregon Working Families Party

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