We will be accepting nominations at our General Membership Meeting on February 21, 2024 for President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Executive Board Member (27 positions total), and Trustee (1 position). The term for most of these positions is two years and ends in November 2025. The trustee position is a three year term.
Nomination and Election Timeline
**UPDATE FEBRUARY 22, 2024: There were NO contested positions. That means the voting process will NOT be activated. Congratulations to those who won by acclamation! Read more
February 21, 2024, 6:15 pm – General Membership Meeting Nominations and self-nominations by members in good standing accepted. Please register to attend.
- If you plan to nominate someone who is not at the meeting, please confirm with them that they will accept the nomination. We will confirm all nominations of people who are not present when they are nominated by email. We will ask them to confirm that they accept the nomination by February 24, 2024, or they will be removed from the ballot.
March 15, 2024, 8:00 am – March 22, 2024, 5:00 pm Electronic voting opens for contested positions
- True Ballot will send the electronic ballot (via mailgun@trueballot.com or VOTE@trueballot.com).
- Your ballot will be delivered to the email address we have on record for you on March 15, 2024.
- If you do not receive your electronic ballot check your spam then contact elections@afscmelocal88.org.
- If you want a paper ballot Request a paper ballot as soon as possible by contacting elections@afscmelocal88.org.
- Paper ballots must be mailed to:
AFSCME Local 88
PO Box 12021
Portland, OR 97212 - Paper ballots must be received by March 22, 2024, 5:00 pm. Late ballots will not be counted.
- If you need to update your email address or mailing address Contact the Member Services Center.
Frequently Asked Questions
A: Two members filed appeal protests with the International Judicial Panel (IJP) against the November 2023 AFSCME Local 88 election process and specific members of the elections committee. The IJP denied most of the protest items. They upheld two protest items and consider them enough of a reason to redo the election.
A: Nominations for the positions listed below will be accepted at the February 21, 2024, General Membership Meeting. If there are any contested positions, the electronic voting process will open March 15, 2024, at 8am and close March 22, 2024, at 5 pm. Paper ballots will be available by request.
- President
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Executive Board Members (27 total)
- Trustee (1 position)
IJP Decision Case No. 23-066 (pdf)
- Protest and report of the investigating officer – pages 1 – 20
- Decision – page 20
- Appeal to the Judicial Panel – pages 21 – 26
- Initial protest – pages 27 – 29
- Election Protest Notes and Election Committee Final Recommendations – pages 30 – 39
Contact the Member Services Center. They can check your membership status and update your contact information, including your email address and mailing address.

UPDATE: Nominations and Election
Nominations were accepted at the February 21, 2024, General Membership meeting. There were no contested positions. That means that the election process will not be activated. All nominees who were present and accepted their nominations won by acclamation. They were sworn in during the meeting. Thank you to our Elections Committee and to those who

Notice of Nomination and Election
**UPDATE February 10, 2024: Find more information, including FAQs on the Nominations & Elections 2024 page Dear AFSCME Local 88 Members, This is to inform you that the AFSCME International Judicial Panel (IJP) has directed the Local 88 Election Committee to rerun our recent nominations and elections for the newly appointed E-board members and the