Thank You Front Line Workers!

Thanks to all you amazing Frontline Workers! 

By now you have hopefully received your $1500 bonus.  This sign of appreciation from the county to the 2000+ union represented employees who continued their excellent in person work throughout some or all of the pandemic is both small and late in coming.  Past President Percy Winters, Jr spent countless hours talking with impacted workers and working with Chair Kafoury to win this bonus.  Also important, Percy successfully retained our right to bargain in 2022.  The Chair had requested that if we accepted the Frontline Workers bonus that we would forgo bargaining for another year (we had already done this in 2020). Appreciation comes in many forms, a bonus, kind words from coworkers and in this recent video which was featured in the 12/8/21 issue of the Wednesday Wire.

Appreciations from Local 88 Members

Here’s a sampling of the appreciations expressed by Local 88 members at our recent virtual holiday celebration.

"Every person on my team is so incredibly dedicated to serving our community!"
"I appreciate the innovation, compassion and overall determination I saw in so many who work at the county during COVID and everyday."
"My team always makes work fun and interesting while being insanely productive!"
"I appreciate all who worked so hard during this unprecedented time- especially kudos go out to all frontline workers."
My work group has taken the chaos and anger of the last year and channeled it into making positive change.""
"I love the ability to telework and that my team has continued to use virtual tools to communicate and work together."
"I appreciate the way my team responded to constant and continuous change."
"My coworkers are amazing!!! Thank you for your dedication this year!!!"
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