AFSCME Current Wage Proposal
- Accounts for the inflation (measured by CPI) that occurred
between January 2021 and 2022 based on longstanding
practice with the County: - 7.9% increase across the board (COLA) retro to July 1, 2022
- In 2023 and 2024 we proposed that the County provide a
COLA based on CPI up to 8% but minimum of 2%
County Wage Proposal on 7/28
- 5% COLA retroactive to July 1, 2022 plus 2% bonus (minimum
of $1,000 per employee prorated) – the 2% is a one time
payment, not ongoing - 5% COLA on July 1, 2023
- COLA on July 1, 2024 based on CPI but with a maximum of 4%
and a minimum of 1%
Difference between AFSCME and County Wage Proposal
Here is an example of how you would be affected if your wages were at the median Local 88 annual salary of $60,238 if we
accepted the County’s proposal:
- Year 1: You would lose $542 annually
- Year 2: Because the County’s proposal is capped at 5%, you would lose $1833 compared to gaining $3783 annually with the AFSCME proposal
- Year 3: Because the County’s proposal is capped at 4%, you would lose $4522 instead of gaining $6742 annually with the AFSCME proposal
Other Developments
We reached Tentative Agreements regarding
- Salary placement practices on promotions and reclassification for employees receiving a KSA premium.
- Salary placement after demotion
- Retroactive increases for Reclassification
- Service credits for three-quarter-time employee toward retiree insurance premiums
Multnomah County Dropped Major Take-Away
Attempt to force employees on to 60 minute meal periods (currently contract allows employees to insist on a 30 minute meal period)
Major Proposals Rejected by County
- Recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ Day
- Union proposal for more equitable pay practices around Bilingual Pay
- Contractual protection allowing employees to reject work if it placed them in imminent danger
- Protections against paycheck deductions for overpayments
- Is still seeking greater rights to assign mandatory overtime
Major Unresolved Issues
- County is proposing Kaiser members pick up a larger share of their medical premium. We have rejected this proposal.
- Compensation and conditions for employees directed to work during natural disasters and community emergencies.
- Increasing County minimum wage to $20 now and $22 by the end of the contract.
What Can You Do?
- Wear green, union buttons, union virtual meeting backgrounds on our next bargaining dates with the County: August 4, 25, and September 1
- Attend our rally planned for August 24 from 4-6pm, Location TBD
Transcription of Bargaining Video - August 3, 2022
Good afternoon AFSCME local 88 members. My name is Eben Pullman. I am the lead negotiator for our union bargaining team and we’re providing this general unit bargaining update on August 3rd of 2022, after we just completed a bargaining session with Multnomah County last week and we’ll be bargaining again with them tomorrow on August 4th.
This bargaining update will also be done in Spanish by Manuel Arellano, who is a member of our bargaining team. So let’s get to it!
Our current wage proposal accounts for the inflation measured by the CPI that occurred between January 20–uh–January of 2021 compared to January of 2022 based off a long-standing practice with the county.
This calls for a 7.9 percent increase across the board retro to July 1st of 2022.
In 2023 and 2024 we proposed that the county provide a COLA based on CPI up to eight percent but a minimum of two percent.
Last week the county made a proposal to us regarding wage increases that we want to share with you.
In the first year of the contract they proposed a five percent COLA and a two percent bonus with a minimum of a thousand dollars per employee that’s prorated based off of your FTE.
It’s important to note and remember that this bonus only applies to the first year of the contract and does not get rolled into your wages in future years.
In the second year of the contract they proposed a 5 percent COLA on July 1st of 2023.
And in the last year of the contract they proposed a COLA of CPI but with a maximum of four percent and a minimum of one percent.
To show you a little bit about what the impact is of this wage proposal uh compared to the union’s position we’re offering this example of a Local 88 member making the median annual salary of sixty thousand dollars–sixty thousand two hundred thirty eight dollars per year.
In the first year the difference between the union’s proposal and the county’s proposal is that under the county’s proposal you’d be making 542 dollars annually less.
In the second year because that bonus does not get rolled into wages and because the county’s COLA is capped at five percent that difference uh changes to one thousand eight hundred and thirty three dollars up to a maximum of three thousand seven hundred and eighty three dollars less than the union’s proposal.
Finally, in the last year of the contract that expands to a difference between four thousand five hundred and twenty two dollars as compared to six thousand seven hundred forty two dollars.
In other developments, we reach a tentative agreement regarding salary placement practices on promotions and reclassifications for employees receiving KSA premiums and salary placement after demotion.
We also reached an agreement on retroactive increases for reclassifications as well as service credits for employees that retire that are three-quarters time employees–service credits for their retiree health insurance premiums.
In other developments, Multnomah County also dropped a major takeaway and attempted to… that attempted to force employees onto 60-minute meal periods.
The current contract allows employees to insist on a 30-minute meal period and we heard very loudly and clearly from our members that they wanted to maintain that right to take a 30-minute meal period so that they have more time for their families and their personal business on either end of the workday.
Some major proposals that the county rejected but that we’re going to continue to pursue: recognition of Indigenous People’s Day–the county rejected that proposal last week as well as our proposal to make more equitable paid practices related to bilingual pay.
Additionally they rejected our contractual our proposal to provide a contractual protection um allowing employees to reject work if it placed them in imminent danger.
And they rejected our proposal um against uh related to protecting your paycheck from forced deductions in the event of an overpayment.
Finally, the county is still seeking greater rights to assign mandatory overtime.
A few other major issues that we still have to resolve and that we’ll continue to work on…
The county is proposing that Kaiser members pick up a larger share of their medical premium. We’ve rejected this proposal.
Additionally, compensation and conditions for employees directed to work during natural disasters and community emergencies. We’re spending a fair amount of time discussing over all the conditions related to when and how the county can direct people to work during these types of events and what their compensation and rights are in the event that there’s a natural disaster or community emergency.
Transcripción del video de la actualización de negociación - 3 de agosto del 2022
Buenas tardes compañeros de trabajo. Este es Manuel Arellano. Soy un representante sindical y trabajo en la unidad de negociación colectiva representado a ustedes.
Este es un adelanto de lo que está sucediendo hasta este momento en la unidad general de negociación colectiva hasta el 3 de agosto de 2022.
Nuestra propuesta salarial está tomando en cuenta la inflación acumulada (medida por el CPI) desde enero de 2021 hasta enero del 2022 y basada en una tradicional práctica del condado. Un incremento del 7.9 por ciento a través del condado COLA, que es el costo de vida, retroactivo al primero de julio del 2022.
En el 2023 del 2024 propusimos que el condado provea un COLA basado o basada en un CPI teniendo un máximo de 8 por ciento y un mínimo de 2 por ciento.
Propuesta del condado el día 28 de julio es que un cola del 5 por ciento retroactivo al primero de julio 2022, más un bono del 2 por ciento, teniendo como mínimo una suma de mil
dólares prorrateados por cada empleado. Un 5 por ciento del COLA al primero de julio del 2023 y para el día para el año del 2024 el cola se basará en el CPI pero con un máximo del 4% y un mínimo del 1%.
Cuál va a ser el impacto de esta propuesta salarial
Con el ingreso promedio de un trabajador de el condado de Local 88 es 60 mil dólares con 238.
El diferencial para el primer año de pérdida de base de 542 dólares anuales.
El diferencial para el segundo año va a ser de 1833 a 3.783, y un diferencial del tercer año de 4,522 a 6,742.
Entendiéndose que este bono es solamente una sola vez y que no implica un aumento en nuestro salario. Solamente es un regalo.
Otros desarrollos
Hemos alcanzado un acuerdo previo respecto de continuación de salarios en promociones, reclasificación para empleados que reciben una prima de KSA en caso de descenso se aplicará el salario objetivo y retroactivo, aumento retroactivo logrando luego de una reclasificación, y finalmente los servicios de créditos por empleados de tres cuartos respecto de sus premium por seguro de retiro. Eso lo entienden más la gente que está cerca de la jubilación o de retirarse.
Otros desarrollos: tenemos que el condado de Multnomah se desistió delimitar un beneficios. Ellos se resistieron de forzar o de intentar de intentar forzar a los empleados a utilizar un refrigerio de 60 minutos. Actualmente el condado permite a los empleados tomar un refrigerio de 30 minutos.
Importantes propuestas que fueron rechazadas por el condado
El condado decidió rechazar el reconocimiento del día del indígena (Indigenous Day).
La propuesta también decidieron rechazar la propuesta del sindicato por un pago más equitativo respecto del pago bilingüe. También decidieron rechazar la protección contractual que que permita a los empleados es rechazar trabajar bajo peligro inminente.
Asimismo las protecciones sobre deducciones en el que quincenal por sobre pagos. Y finalmente ellos también decidieron rechazar buscar mayor mayores derechos para asignar sobre tiempo obligatorio.
Hay otras materias que han quedado sin resolver.
El condado propone que los miembros de Kaiser paguen más por su seguro médico. Nosotros hemos rechazado esa propuesta.
De compensación en condiciones para trabajadores que laboran en día de desastres naturales o de emergencia de la comunidad y finalmente en incrementar el pago mínimo de 20 a 22 dólares por hora al momento de la expiración de este contrato.
Qué es lo que podemos hacer:
Podemos vestirnos de verde y poner los distintivos del sindicato utilizar los fondos de pantalla sindicato en nuestras reuniones los días de negociación colectiva o “bargaining” que son los días 4 y 25 de agosto, y finalmente el primero de septiembre, y a tener un un mítin o un rally planificado para el día 24 de agosto de 4 a las 6 de la tarde en un lugar por determinar.
Todos juntos podemos hacer viables nuestras propuestas. Necesitamos su participación. Ha sido un gusto y nuevamente mi nombre es Manuel Arellano y soy el representante sindical en el equipo de negocio colectiva de AFSCME Local 88 y que tengan muy buenas tardes. ¡Muchas gracias!