The Oregon AFSCME 2023 Biennial Convention will be held at the Salem Convention Center April 28 – April 30. All delegates and alternates must be elected from the locals in accordance with the Elections Code of the AFSCME International Constitution and convention materials. Based on the size of our membership, we have 11 spots for delegates. Three of these delegate spots are for officers and the remaining eight delegate spots are to be filled by union members in good standing.
Nominations for delegates will be accepted at the February 15, 2023, Local 88 General membership meeting (register online). People seeking to be elected to be a delegate may either self nominate or be nominated by another union member in good standing. If there are more candidates for delegates than slots available an online election will be held. Anyone who is nominated but not elected will be offered an alternate spot. Delegates will be notified by March 10, 2023, and lost time will be available. Local 88 officers will assist the delegates in making travel arrangements.
Finally, AFSCME Council 75 leadership includes 5 regional vice presidents. Region 3 is where we are located and covers all AFSCME locals from the WIllamette River to Hood River. Currently, Joslyn Baker is the RD3VP (Regional District 3 Vice President). Her term ends at the Convention when a new RD3VP will be elected. This is a powerful role for our local to maintain. Joslyn is available to answer questions about this leadership opportunity.
- Announcement
- Nominations accepted at February 15, 2023 GM meeting
- Online election if needed February 20-27, 2023
- Delegates notified by March 10, 2023
- Hotel reservation due by March 24, 2023
- Delegate Credentials to OR AFSCME by March 29, 2023