Statement from Chair Jessica Vega Pederson on the Notice of AFSCME Local 88 Settlement
As a longtime believer in the powerful purpose of Unions in general and AFSCME in particular, I want to thank you for your incredible service to Multnomah County. As our largest Union serving County employees, you play an invaluable role in the success of our work – especially because we know not everyone who would appreciate the chance to participate in a Union is able to. I am so grateful for the guidance and partnership AFSCME Local 88 provides.
With a new Chair and a newly signed contract, we are at an important moment in our history together, and one that makes me excited and hopeful. It’s also important to me that we’re in communication around the clear boundaries that keep our organizations in a healthy space with each other.
So, I take this opportunity on behalf of Multnomah County to:
Affirm the right of AFSCME members to engage in protected union activities without reprisal or retaliation. These rights are protected by Oregon law and are core to the values of Multnomah County.
Recognize the right of AFSCME Local 88 members to organize and administer their Union as outlined in the Oregon Public Employee Collective Bargaining Act (PECBA) and their collective bargaining agreement. The right to make decisions on behalf of the Union, such as the election of Union leaders, endorsement of candidates for political office or collective bargaining strategies in accordance with the PECBA lies solely with the membership of AFSCME Local 88.
Value and protect the right of employees to engage in collective bargaining. Multnomah County will not tolerate any infringement on the rights of Union members as articulated in the PECBA.
In my role as the Chair of the Multnomah County Commission, I look forward to our continued discussions and the daily work to support County employees who provide essential services to County residents.
Jessica Vega Pederson
Contact Chair Jessica Vega Pederson
phone: (503) 988-6277
Our mailing address is:
501 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Suite 600, Portland, OR 97214