February President’s Report

Effective February 23, 2023 my work hours are Monday-Thursday 8am-6:30pm.  Please email me to set up a time to meet as needed.  Outside of these days and hours, my response time may be delayed. — Joslyn 

Let’s Party - Friday, April 21, 2023 * 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Our bargaining teams worked hard and our members voted to ratify new contracts. Let’s gather in solidarity and celebrate!  

  • Family friendly activities
  • Delicious food – hors d’oeuvres and cake and cash bar
  • DJ Mike Morris and dancing 
  • Screen printing – bring your clothing to add our AFSCME logo – FREE 
  • Prizes and good times 

Location: Hyatt at the Convention Center

Join the planning group – We will need lots of helping hands to make the planning and hosting of this party a big success. April 21 2023 Party Volunteer Sign Up 

We are accepting donated gift cards to be used in a raffle – please email 88cabinet@afscmelocal88.org

February Accomplishments

Alice Busch was sworn in as the new Lead Union Steward for the work groups that make up Non-Departmental (complete steward list). Thanks to Alice and all our union leaders for sharing their time and talents to make Local 88 even stronger.   

Local 88 & Oregon AFSCME Meetings

Check out our calendar of events.

  • Local 88 Cabinet Meeting 2/14/23
  • Local 88  Executive Board Meeting 2/1/23
  • Local 88 Lead Steward Monthly Meeting 2/1/23
  • Local 88  General Membership Meetings 2/15/23
  • AFSCME Staff Weekly Meetings – group and individual 
  • Oregon AFSCME Executive Board – 2/25/23
  • Oregon AFSCME Executive Committee -2/25/23
  • Oregon AFSCME Presidents and Board Briefing – 2/7/23
  • Oregon AFSCME Political Action Committee (PAC) 2/25/23
  • Oregon AFSCME Building Comm – Portland  AFSCME building sold and we are narrowing down our selection for a new location. Council 75 anticipates vacating the current building during summer 2023. 


County Elected Officials Meetings

  • Multnomah County Chair Jessica Vega Pederson requested a meeting with member leaders who work in the housing programs.  2/9/23 union members from CCC (Central City Concern), TPI (Transition Projects Inc) and JOHS (Multnomah County Joint Office of Homeless Services). The conversations focused on the Chair’s overview of Housing Multnomah Now/Chair Priorities and provider experiences / suggestions for Chair on Housing, Homelessness and Behavioral Health.  
  • Chair Jessica Vega Pederson and Serena Cruz (COO) 2/22/23
  • County Commissioner Jayapal 2/22/23 – met with Sara Ryan (Chief of Staff) 
  • Comminionser Sharon Meieran – Unfair labor practice (ULP) settlement offer accepted by the county.  
  • 2/1/23 Meeting with Michael Schmidt – Multnomah County District Attorney 
  • AFSCME Local 88 PAC (political action committee)process – develop plan for candidate endorsement for Multnomah County Commissioner (District 3) – Maya Noble (Vice President) is our PAC chair.  If you are interested in joining the PAC  email her at vicepresident@afscmelocal88.org.  And you can follow your Union’s state-wide agenda at oregonafscme.org/legislative-agenda 


Ongoing communication efforts 

  • NW Labor Press
  • Website Updates
  • Social Media – twitter and facebook 
  • Membership Emails (as needed)

Steward Support 

  • Departmental Steward Meetings
  • Departmental Labor Management Meetings 
  • Lead Steward Meeting – Monthly
  • Email secretary@afscmelocal88.org to receive auto zoom invites for Local 88 Eboard and General membership meetings.

Member Engagement

  • 45 new members were signed up in February 2023 as part of AFSCME Strong.  Thanks to the AFSCME council staff and union members who worked on this important effort. We reached out to people using phone banks, worksite visits, online chats and video meetings. 
  • Co-presenter for 2 monthly AFSCME Local 88 monthly new employee orientation (NEO – Meet Your Union) online sessions are offered to all employees represented by our union and you may attend on county paid time.  You may sign up at afecmelocal88.org 
  • Member Action Teams (MAT) – Report submitted – MAT troubleshooting committee is still getting our bearings. If you are having an issue at work, and it isn’t resolvable through the grievance procedure, get in touch with Kristian Williams: kwilliams@afscmelocal88.org 
  • Contract Ratification Party Planning Begins – Save the date 4/21/23 5-10pm at the Hyatt at the Convention Center – see above  
  • Become a Steward – learn about this process.  Information about required training can be found at oregonafscme.org/trainings.  
  • Conversations with members and stakeholders


  • General Unit – we are still waiting for the final touches before our new contract will be available in print and online.  In the meantime please see this TA summary for highlights of our recently won contract improvements.  
  • Physicians Unit – bargaining completed 
  • Pharmacists Unit – actively bargaining   
  • Market Study – lists confirmed will begin bargaining March 2023 
  • Dentist Unit – will resume bargaining March 2023
  • JCSS (Juvenile Custody Services Specialist) Local 88-6 Bargaining begins 3/30/23 – preparation meetings are in progress

Advocacy Projects

  • Attended the 2/21/23 Jobs with Justice – Faith Labor Breakfast
  • Responding to workplace trauma – Executive Board to review project charter  pages 1- 4 of the project outline for discussion.  
  • Microaggression Team – working with union members on individual cases 
  • Monthly meeting with Complaints Investigation Unit (CIU) Director – Andrea Damewood – 2/22/23

Market Adjustments for Selected Classifications - Bargaining

After two months of back and forth with the County, we have finalized the list of classifications to be studied in this round of negotiations. We plan on meeting with the County beginning mid April. Please check the link below for the full list. In addition, we will offer training to those members whose classifications have been selected. Links to the classifications and trainings are below:

Solidarity Resources 

Know Your Contract - Training 

As we’re adding the final touches on our newly negotiated contract, we would like to spend some time with the leaders, stewards and members as we get to know the new additions in our CBA. We’re scheduling the following meetings as a space to review, dates and links below. (You only need to attend one session).

Priorities for March 2023

  • OR AFSCME Convention 2023 – Salem April 28-30 –  We have 9 delegate spots available and all expenses are paid by our union.  Delegate elections to be held March 1-7.
  • Bargaining in various sub-locals- see above
  • Finalize plans for delegate team to attend Oregon AFSCME Convention 
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