Member Profile: Ebony Klinger

**This article was originally published in Northwest Labor Press December 6, 2024.

Periodically we profile AFSCME Local 88 members who share aspects of their personal, work, and union life so you can learn their story. For this profile, we invite you to get to know Ebony Klinger, longtime county employee and union activist. 

Who are you and how did you get to where you are?

My name is Ebony Klinger. I’m originally from Bellevue, WA, east of Seattle. I moved to Vancouver, WA in 1999 with my husband Kevin and two young daughters, Ariel and Alysha. I became a dental hygienist in 2011 and wanted to do more for my community so in 2016 I went to work for Multnomah County.

What motivates you to be active in our Union? What does being a Union member mean to you?

My Godfather was very big in his union and talked about it often. I worked for a corporation for 16 years, rarely missed work and rarely took any medical leave. Then, I got really sick and was out of work for a month. And within that month I lost all my benefits because someone pressed the wrong button. I was denied any care or benefits or pay from my disability even though it was all settled. If I had had a union, this would have never happened to me. It motivated me to leave the corporate world and it motivated me to play an integral part in making sure people got a fair shake and not be taken for granted. Meaning fair labor rights and equitable working conditions. Being a union member means being a part of a large family that looks out for each other. I’ve been in the union now for eight years.  I started out as a member and then a steward which eventually led me to being on the executive board and doing VMO work which was a really great experience. I have met some amazing people. I still have a lot to learn but I’m willing to roll up my sleeves and do the work. I think everyone should get involved in the union. There is more to it than grievances and negotiations. It is really rewarding when you help someone to understand the contract language or organize a meet-and-greet. It takes all of us. Like a family, we are stronger together and if we all work together they can’t put us off they have no choice but to listen. 

What are you working on or what’s coming up that you’re looking forward to?

I’m looking forward to doing more for my AFSCME Local 88 family, becoming more involved in the day-to-day workings of our union. I’m currently doing marketing adjustment bargaining and next year I’d love to learn contract negotiations. Personally, I’m about to celebrate my 50th birthday and that’s very exciting.

If you are interested in sharing your story or if you know someone who would make an interesting profile, please fill out our Member Profile Form.

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