Bargaining Update February 3, 2025

Bargaining begins February 20th

Here we go! Your Local 88 Bargaining Team has been hard at work getting ready for bargaining season.

What does that look like?

You may remember getting our Member Survey last year. That survey informed what gets addressed this bargaining season. Didn’t get to respond to the survey? Email us at!

The Bargaining Team was elected by our Bargaining Delegation! They’ve had four work sessions under their belts already, where they’ve analyzed the contract and developed the first proposals to deliver to The County Labor Relations.

Here's what to expect

Regular Communications: Once bargaining begins on February 20th, we’ll update you on our progress along the way. Updates will be emailed out and on the AFSCME website every Monday, and more often if there’s news.

More Member Engagement: You’ll be seeing union leaders at worksites, talking to people and holding listening sessions to make sure we know what your priorities are. Our contract needs to reflect the needs of our membership! Tell us so we can tell Labor Relations what you want!

Calls to Action: Our members are our strength! Join the fight for a fair contract, big or small. Join our Member Action Team to have a say in what actions we organize. Or make a change to your work profile picture or virtual background using our guide! We win fair contracts when we’re united!

Member Action Team

Our Member Action Team is a tool for change, used to communicate and mobilize around issues that matter to you. MAT is the glue between membership and leaders, relaying important info from the union out to members, and bringing the insights, opinions, and needs of membership front and center.

When we take union actions, MAT ensures strong turnout and coordinates members to stay united and stay green! We meet every other Monday evening from 6:30-7:30pm. Got ideas? Want to have a hand in how we do it? Energize your union siblings and join MAT today! Email to get the invite.

Upcoming Events

  • February 4th: Bargaining Team Session (Closed Meeting)
  • February 10th: Member Action Team Meeting; 6:30pm – 7:30pm
  • February 13th: Bargaining Team Session (Closed Meeting)
  • February 19th: General Membership Meeting: 6:15pm
  • February 20th: FIRST DAY OF BARGAINING!

Keep up-to-date with our AFSCME Local 88 Calendar. Subscribe here!

**Sent by email to all members on February 3, 2024. Didn’t get it? Check your spam folder. Be sure to add to your contacts. Need to update your contact info or check your membership status? Contact the Member Services Center.

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