Thank you to the 650+ members who voted in for Local 88 Vice President and Trustee. Below you will find the AFSCME Local 88 election committee report:
In the election for Vice President, Maya Noble has been elected by the membership!
In the election for Trustee #1, Rosa Garcia has been elected by the membership!
Congratulations to our newly elected Local 88 leaders and thank you to all the candidates for stepping up to run for office, participating in our union and providing thoughtful candidate statements. Our newly elected Vice President and Trustee will be sworn in at the 10/19/22 General Membership Meeting.
To see the voting numbers and election summary, please see the results and summary pdfs provided to us by True Ballot who we contracted to run the electronic election. If you have any questions about the election process, please feel free to contact Jackie Tate with the election committee at:
Election Results pdf
Election Summary pdf