Local 88 Leader attending Harvard Law School

Percy Winters Jr Headshot
Percy Winters, Jr.

As a single father, one of the things I push my kids to thrive at is their education. It is very important for me to instill in them what an education means, where an education can take you, but most of all, no one will be able to take an education from you.

As a leader within our union. Those things apply to me now.

In October of 2022, I applied to attend Harvard Law School through a program called Harvard Trade Union Program. My application was accepted and I was awarded a full scholarship to attend this 5 week program at Harvard.

This 5 week executive training program is designed for trade union leaders. It is comparable to the advanced education that Harvard University offers to executive level individuals in Business, Government, and Law. It teaches the essential skills for the management and leadership of unions, as well as providing a unique opportunity to explore key issues for the labor movement.

By attending this prestigious program it is my goal to learn how to:

  • Navigate the political landscape
  • Build a strong relationship with Community Based Organizations
  • Utilize today’s technology to get more union members involved in their union

While I am excited to attend this wonderful program, I am very nervous. It has been many years since I attended school. However, I will put my best foot forward knowing that I have full support of my immediate family and my union family.

If you are interested in learning more about this program, please visit the Harvard Trade Union Program website.

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