President’s Report March 2023

Let’s Party - Friday, April 21, 2023 * 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Our bargaining teams worked hard and our members voted to ratify new contracts. Let’s gather in solidarity and celebrate!  

  • Family friendly activities
  • Delicious food – hors d’oeuvres and cake and cash bar
  • DJ Mike Morris and dancing 
  • Alexis Campbell Starr and Bolivia – Drag Queen Performers
  • Prizes and good times 

Location: Hyatt at the Convention Center

RSVP – check out this event on our Facebook page and let us know if you plan to attend this fun event. 

March Accomplishments

Rosa Garcia was sworn in as the new Lead Union Steward for the JointOffice of Homeless Services (complete steward list). Thanks to Rosa and all our union leaders for sharing their time and talents to make Local 88 even stronger.

Jail Side Premium – thanks to the advocacy and leadership of Angie Robinett (DCJ Co-Lead Steward) Several more employees were included and will begin receiving the 10% jailside premium.  The expansion of this premium is another big win from our 2022 bargaining in the general unit.  People who work in classifications that are county wide and have ad hoc or routine exposure to a jail setting are now eligible for this premium.  Please reach out if you have questions. 

Thanks to the following union members for stepping up to represent our union at the 2023 OR AFSCME Convention.  Also thanks to the 611 union members who made time to participate in this election.  The convention  delegates and alternates are listed in order of the number of votes they received. 


  1. Percy Winters, Jr – Health Department
  2. Manuel Arellano – Library 
  3. Rosa Garcia – Joint Office of Homeless Services (JOHS) 
  4. Megan Gallagher – Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) 
  5. Shelley Ashford – Library
  6. Hilary Zust – Department of County Human Services
  7. Charlotte Garner – Central City Concerns
  8. Grant Swanson  – Library
  9. Kyle Eilenfeldt   – Library
  10. Maya Noble – Office of Diversity & Equity (ODE) 
  11. Jackie Vitron – Department of County Human Services


  1. Angie Robinett  – Department of Community Justice  Human Services
  2. Johnny Giddings – Department of County Human Services

*Joslyn Baker – attending in her role as OR AFSCME Regional district 3 Vice President and Local 88 President

Local 88 & Oregon AFSCME Meetings

Check out our calendar of events 

  • Local 88 Cabinet Meeting 3/14/23
  • Local 88  Executive Board Meeting 3/1/23 
  • Local 88  General Membership Meetings 3/15/23
  • AFSCME Staff Weekly Meetings – group and individual 
  • Oregon AFSCME Executive Board – 2/25/23
  • Oregon AFSCME Executive Committee -3/18/23
  • Oregon AFSCME Presidents and Board Briefing – 3/7/23
  • Oregon AFSCME Political Action Committee (PAC) 3/23/23
  • Oregon AFSCME Building Comm – Portland  AFSCME building sold and we are narrowing down our selection for a new location. Council 75 anticipates vacating the current building during summer 2023.


County Elected Officials Meetings

  • Chair Jessica Vega Pederson and Serena Cruz (COO) 3/24/23 – Union members joined to focus on safety issues on the forensics and diversion  court teams in Behavioral Health.  Reaction to alarming data about who is voluntary leaving county employment.  Increase among Black employees and people who identify as LGBTQAI+ 
  • County Commissioner Jayapal 3/24/23 – met with Commissione Jayapal and Sara Ryan (Chief of Staff) 
  • Comminionser Sharon Meieran – Unfair labor practice (ULP) settlement offer accepted by the county.  Legal fees paid to AFSCME Local 88 and Council 75.  
  • 3/22/23 – Local 88 officers and DEI coordinator met with Auditor McGuirk and her full team to discuss trends of concern.

AFSCME Local 88 PAC (Political Action Committee) Process 

  • Maya Noble (PCA Chair and Local 88 VP) planned and hosted interviews  for candidate endorsement for Multnomah County Commissioner (District 3). Thanks to our PAC members for participating  – You can follow your Union’s state-wide agenda
  • Participated in the Union United 2023 PAC.  InterviewJoined in the group interview of candidates for Portland Public School Board and Multnomah County Commissioner (District 3)


Ongoing communication efforts 

  • NW Labor Press
  • Website Updates
  • Social Media – twitter and facebook 
  • Membership Emails (as needed)

Steward Support

  • Departmental Steward Meetings
  • Departmental Labor Management Meetings 
  • Lead Steward Meeting – Monthly
  • Email to receive auto zoom invites for Local 88 Eboard and General membership meetings.

Member Engagement

  • Member Action Teams (MAT) –.If you are having an issue at work, and it isn’t resolvable through the grievance procedure, get in touch with Kristian Williams: 
  • Contract Ratification Party Planning Begins – Save the date 4/21/23 5-10pm at the Hyatt at the Convention Center – see above  
  • Become a Steward – learn about this process.  Information about required training can be found at

Conversations with Members and Stakeholders


Bargaining 2023 – In 2022 we settled new union contracts in the General unit (Local 88) – Check out our brand new AFSCME Local 88 General Unit contract.

Contracts also ratified in 2022:

It seems like before we had a chance to rest, we are back at bargaining for the following units 2023: 

  • Dentist (Local 88-5)
  • Pharmacist – first contract (Local 88-4)
  • Juvenile Custody Services Specialist (Local 88-6)

Market Rate Adjustment Study (year 1 of 3 consecutive years) 

Advocacy Projects

Monthly meeting with Complaints Investigation Unit (CIU) Director – Andrea Damewood – 2/22/23

Solidarity Resources

International Workers Day: People Over Profit No Human Being is Illegal

We find ourselves facing unprecedented cuts to public service, including education & social security, Increasing poverty, homelessness, and ongoing attacks against people of color, immigrants, women, working families, students & our right to organize.  Our responses to this onslaught against humanity is to organize and fight back! We want YOU to JOIN AN ORGANIZATION WORKING FOR JUSTICE.  

Monday, May 1st  * O’Bryant Square (SW Stark & 9th) 2pm We Gather, 3pm We Rally, 4pm We March 

Endorsed by: VOZ, Portland I.W.W.  (Industrial Workers of the World), Jobs with Justice, SEIU 503 and the black Working Group – for a complete list visit the Facebook page

KBOO 90.7 FM 505-233-6787 for more information

Workers Memorial Day

On April 28 unions across the country will gather to observe Workers Memorial Day, and honor each and every worker who lost their lives as the result of workplace injury and illness.

More than 50 years ago on April 28 the Occupational Safety and Health Act went into effect, promising every worker the right to a safe job—a fundamental right. The law was won because of the tireless efforts of the labor movement, which organized for safer working conditions and demanded action from the government to protect working people.  

This year, the Oregon AFL-CIO will honor our fallen workers at two events on April 28:

  • At 9:30am, we will gather with the Oregon State Firefighters Council, the Northwest Oregon Labor Council, IAFF Local 43, elected officials and faith leaders in Portland on the Eastbank Esplanade beside Portland Fire and Rescue Station 21.
  • At noon, we will hold a ceremony at the Fallen Worker Memorial on the Oregon State Capitol Mall where we will be joined by workplace safety advocates, elected officials, and faith leaders.

Both events will honor fallen workers and renew our commitment to workplace safety. Please save the date for these important events and stay tuned for more information in the weeks ahead.  

Priorities for April 2023

  • Bargaining in various sub-locals- and market study 
  • Host a super fun contract ratification party 4/21/23
  • OR AFSCME Convention 2023 – Salem April 28-30 –  We have 12 people attending to represent AFSCME Local 88 (see above)
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